We at NMIN Advisor and been affiliated with National Life Group (Life Insurance Company of the Southwest) since the mid 1980’s.

We currently use NLG as one of the IUL’s funding the Kai-Zen Group product. We also use many of the Index Annuities as funding vehicles for a 403b, 457, IRA and Roth products. We have been involved in the 403b (Tax Sheltered Annuity) arena since the mid 1970’s and have a thorough knowledge of the 403b and how to use one to one’s advantage. We offer Educational Workshops on the 403b and many other products and services (see the Seminars and Workshops link) so, if you’re interested, be sure to sign up early, as they fill up quickly.

There are too many products to go into detail, so if you want more information on any of NLG’s products or services, please Click Here and one of our representatives will contact you.