Index Universal Life insurance
An Index Universal Life (IUL) insurance policy offers a death benefit that can provide resources for your loved ones when you die. It also can build cash value over time to help you be ready for life’s challenges and opportunities. Using a method that captures the upside potential of external market indexes while providing downside protection, your IUL policy can accumulate cash value while keeping risk in check.
Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is the only life insurance carrier to offer the BNP Paribas Momentum Multi-Asset 5 Index (BNPP Momentum 5 Index) on Index Universal Life insurance. It’s important to note that you’re not actually participating in the market or investing in any stock or bond when you choose a BNPP Momentum 5 Index strategy as part of your IUL.
BNPP Momentum 5 Index:
The BNPP Momentum 5 Index is designed to produce steady, positive performance with consistent returns over time. This gives your policy’s accumulation value the potential to build growth momentum. The BNPP Momentum 5 Index achieves its goals by combining three principles:
- Diversification: The index reflects performance of a variety of asset classes including developed and emerging equity and bond markets, real estate and gold, and exposure to global markets.
- Daily dynamic allocation: The index is rebalanced daily.
- Daily risk control: The index includes a risk control mechanism that creates consistency and limits downturns.
A look at Dynamic Allocation:
The BNPP Momentum 5 Index is rebalanced daily according to 2 step methodology.
1. Dynamic allocation aims to choose up to 8 out of the universe of 14 components, looking at the recent risk adjusted positive performance.
2. Aiming at more stable and diverse composition, the index grants an even risk distribution by increasing exposure to less volatile components and reducing exposure to more volatile components. This offers a more stable and diverse composition of the strategy.
Why BNPP Momentum 5?
- Broader diversification allows for dynamic accumulation potential
- Daily rebalancing helps respond and adapt to market changes
- Consistency of performance
Other index features:
When choosing indexes within life insurance policies, consider the index participation rate and the cap rate. These items will determine how much of the index growth you’ll receive and the possible limits to the upside of the index. Higher participation rates help provide better accumulation and uncapped strategies provide more accumulation potential. Cap rates and participation rates are declared at the beginning of an index period are guaranteed for that index period (one or two-years). Future cap and participation rates are subject to change.
The crediting strategy within an Ameritas IUL insurance policy is uncapped and has competitive participation rates. There is no limit (no cap) to the interest credited to the index account, and a guaranteed index floor rate of 0% which protects your policy from negative returns.
Participation rate is the percentage of the index rate that is credited to the policy accumulation value.
Cap rate is the maximum percentage of reference index performance to be used to calculate the interest crediting rate.
Floor rate: The minimum interest rate applied no matter how the underlying index performed is called the floor rate. The interest rate cannot go below the floor rate.
Examples of how index crediting works:
The index value increases over the one-year period and the interest credited to the money in that index option account is 170% of the index gain.
Participation rate = 170%
Multiplied by
Index change rate = 12%
How much is credited to the account value?
170% x 12% = 20.4%
Participation rate = 170%
Multiplied by
Index change rate = 12%
How much is credited to the account value?
170% x 12% = 20.4%
The account value in the uncapped account for this one-year index period is credited with the interest equivalent to a 20.4% or 5.1% credited rate based on the above examples.
Historical performance
These results show how the index options would have performed had FLX Index UL been available during the time periods shown using assumed caps and participation rates. Caps and par rates are subject to change and could produce different hypothetical results.
Hypothetical performance chart:
BNPP Momentum 5 Index One-Year Point-to-Point compared with S&P 500 One-Year Point-to-Point
This chart shows the actual annual percentage change of the S&P 500 Index and the hypothetical returns of the BNPP Momentum 5 Index had it been in existence over the last 15 years.
Source: Bloomberg, BNP Paribas from January 1, 2004 to December 31st 2019. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. The BNPP Momentum 5 Index is based on Hypothetical Past Performance Data prior to January 27th 2017. Because the BNPP Momentum 5 Index did not exist prior to this date, all retrospective levels provided in the graph and table above are simulated and must be considered illustrative only.
Protect your future
Markets are unpredictable, so you cannot predict what your future holds. Whether you’re planning for your retirement or planning for the legacy you leave your loved ones, the choices offered through Ameritas Index Universal Life policies can help you manage volatility as you work towards achieving and protecting your goals.
This brochure must accompany either the Ameritas FLX Living Benefits Index Universal Life insurance product brochure (LI 2210) or the Ameritas Growth Index Universal Life insurance product brochure (LI 2221).
In approved states, Ameritas FLX Living Benefits Index Universal Life insurance (form 3020) and Ameritas Growth Index Universal Life insurance (form 3022) are issued by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Policy, index strategies, and riders may vary and may not be available in all states. Optional riders may have limitations, restrictions and additional charges. Refer to product brochures for details. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp.
These products are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by BNP Paribas or any of its affiliates (collectively, “BNP Paribas”). Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party (including without limitation any calculation agents or data providers) makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the advisability of purchasing this product. BNP Paribas Momentum Multi-Asset 5 Index (the “Index”) is the exclusive property of BNP Paribas. BNP Paribas and the Index are service marks of BNP Paribas and will be licensed for use for certain purposes by Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Neither BNP Paribas nor any other party has or will have any obligation or liability to owners of this product in connection with the administration or marketing of this product, and neither BNP Paribas nor any other party guarantees the accuracy and/or the completeness of the Index or any data included therein.
This information is provided by Ameritas®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to: Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., 5900 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 and Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York, (licensed in New York) 1350 Broadway, Suite 2201, New York, New York 10018. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit
Ameritas® and the bison design are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling life® is a registered service mark of affiliate Ameritas Holding Company.
© 2020 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company